Hong Kong and Macao transport

  • Hong Kong and Macau Transport
Hong Kong and Macau Transport

Hong Kong and Macau Transport

  • · Provide carpool transportation of bulk cargo from China to Hong Kong and Macau
  • · Carpooling for general trade declaration, and truck-chartered transportation for trucks and containers.
  • · Customs declaration, commodity inspection, payment customs declaration, ATA document customs declaration, temporary export and re-entry customs declaration.
  • · Hong Kong and Macao delivery to the door, delivery upstairs, delivery warehousing and other one-stop dedicated logistics services.

 Guangdong Cooperation international logistics is committed to providing one-stop Hong Kong and Macau dedicated logistics services for enterprises and merchants. Our company has rich experience in special line logistics operation in Hong Kong and Macau, and can provide one-stop special line logistics service from China to Hong Kong and Macao.

  Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Carpool Transport:

Bulk carpooling is divided into carpooling export (no customs declaration) and general trade carpooling export (customs declaration) carpooling of many customers in the same car, one by one to the customs declaration, the cost is low, according to the weight of the goods or volume calculation of freight, for the enterprise to save more than 50% of the vehicle freight.

   The general trade carpool export is mainly for the company has formal customs declaration and inspection export materials that needs to export bulk cargo with a small volume. (You can also pay for the export). The cost of independent chartered car transportation is high. For customers to save costs, you can choose carpooling services, with low cost and fast timeliness. Transportation safety, trust-worthy, general trade chartered export cars depart more than 100 times a day, departs in the morning/afternoon/evening arrives in the afternoon/evening/next day before noon, can provide limited-time urgent services to meet customer’s personalized need.

  Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao vehicle transportation:

  Guangdong-Hong Kong ton truck models are mainly divided into 3 tons, 5 tons, 8 tons, 10 tons, 12 tons, 15 tons

Tonnage truck is a commonly used vehicle in the entire transportation vehicles of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau transportation. It is mainly aimed at regular packaged goods with relatively large one-time shipments. Our ton trucks are equipped with a complete software system GPS, and electronic locks for customs clearance. Can meet customers' general trade chartered car, EDI electronic customs declaration chartered car, chartered car, remote customs sealing and transit, cross-border e-commerce import and export.

Contact us

Contact: Rachel

Phone: +86 13411380609

Tel: +86 0756-8991577

Email: com@cooperation-line.com

Add: Room705 Dongda Commercial Center, 92 Jingshan Road, Jida Street, Xiangzhou District,Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province,China.

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